Overview of the presentation at NAC

Overview of the presentation at NAC with Daan van der Berg, ‘Tamada (model 1)’, 2006

Eric von Robertson, ‘Prism’ and ‘Moseshvili street Tower’, 2006

Marjolijn Dijkman (NL), ‘The Revolution is Just Around the Corner’, 2006

Map of Tbilisi, visitors wrote old and new streetnames on the map e.g. Lenin Square became Freedom Square and Lenin Avenue became George W. Bush Avenue

Map of Tbilisi, visitors wrote old and new streetnames on the map e.g. Lenin Square became Freedom Square and Lenin Avenue became George W. Bush Avenue

Opening of the exhibition

Maarten Vanden Eynde, ‘Oil Well’, 2006

Maarten Vanden Eynde, ‘Oil Well’, 2006

Eric von Robertson, ‘Gods Eye – Dog Sweater’, 2006

Stefaan Dheedene, ‘We are all part of a loud minority’, 2006

Stefaan Dheedene, ‘We are all part of a loud minority’, 2006

Children coming to have a look at the video of Stefaan Dheedene with them performing

Eric von Robertson, ‘Moseshvili street Tower’, 2006

Performance by Sopo Tabatadze and Nadia Tsulukidze, 2006

Maarten Vanden Eynde, ‘Preservation of the Future’, 2006

Maarten Vanden Eynde, ‘Preservation of the Future’, 2006

Maarten Vanden Eynde, ‘Preservation of the Future’, 2006

Maarten Vanden Eynde, ‘Preservation of the Future’, 2006

Lecture nights at NAC

Lecturing at the University of Tbilisi

Slide of the lecture of Eric Robertson


Georgia Here We Come!

Residencies, exhibitions and a documentary

Organisation: Maaike Gouwenberg, Bart Witte, Marjolijn Dijkman and Maarten Vanden Eynde and Sopo Tabatadze

Participants:  Marika Asatiani, Daan van der Berg, Stefaan Dheedene, Marjolijn Dijkman, David Djindjikhachvili, Orgacom, Suze May Sho, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Eric von Robertson, Krzysztof Wegiel, Lado Darakhvelidze, Mamuka Samkharatze, Melano Sokhadze, Polina Rudchik, Luiza Laperadze, Bessa Kartlelishvili, Aleksandre Katsitadze, Giorgi Tabatadze, Nadia Tsulukidze and many others.

Hosted by: GeoAIR (GE), NAC (GE), Expodium (NL), Beyond (NL), Tent. (NL)

Supported by: Prins Bernhard Culturefund, The Centre for Visual Arts Rotterdam, European Cultural Foundation, NCDO, Open Society and Soros Network, Royal Embassy of The Netherlands

After the Rose Revolution in 2003, the new Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili called back his fellow country-men, who fled Georgia in the past decades, to come and help rebuild the once prosperous and wealthy country into a modern western democracy. We responded to this call and explored how a new democracy was being introduced or rather implanted and the side-effects of such an enormous political and sociological shift.

The project was present and alive in the Georgian art world and media from day one. The network of people involved and interested in the project grew day-by-day and culminated into an overcrowded final presentation and exhibition of works developed during the residency period.

The project wanted to establish a wide diversity in the group by selecting artists with different attitudes and modes of operation. A call for participation was spread out and published in several media. During three weeks the participants developed new works, gave lectures at the Art Academy in Tbilisi and participated in several talks and meetings with local artists, historians and architects. Stefaan Dheedene, Krzysztof Wegiel and David Djindjikhachvili also developed a One Minute workshop for which 21 new videos were produced.