Preservation of Ikea tea-cup, Il Foro Romanum, Maarten Vanden Eynde


The Residents

Residency and meetings

Involved: Maarten Vanden Eynde and Arend Roelink

Curated by: Dobrilla Denegri

Invited guests for meetings: Marco Altavilla, Patricia Pulles, Simona Cresci, Elena Rossi, Cecilia Canziani, Laura Barreca, Sabrina Vedovotto, Marcello Smarelli, Emanuela Nobile Mino, Ania Jaigiello, Cathryn Drake, Marianna Vecelio, Daniela Cescella and Barbara Mattei

Location: Residence Barberini, Rome , Italy

Period: 30 April - 9  May 2005

An intense ten day residency during which new works were developed in the heart of Rome and a series of meetings relating to the topics addressed. Residence Barberini invited Dobrila Denegri to organize a residency program for a year in suite 12 of the hotel. Enough Room for Space was the third resident that year.

Arend Roelink placed a deep black circle (13m. diametre) in squares, parks and buildings made from cloth. The Black Hole is the metaphor for the force and economic pull of the city, it's power to dominate and control. At the same time it is the dark room for repressed thoughts and dark spots in a persons, city's or country's history. In the suite at the top floor guests are being invited to talk about subject matters, related to the idea of a black spot.

Maarten Vanden Eynde made a series of works relating to the news event that the Ikea catalogue became the most printed book in human history (beating the bible for the first time ever) during the residency. He decided to give history a hand and preserve an Ikea tea-cup. He climbed over the fence of Il Foro Romanum, the old city center of Rome, and buried a tea-cup under the observation of a visiting crowd of shocked tourists. No one stopped him, so as far as we know the cup is still there, to be discovered by future archaeologists.