November 2017 - February 2018

Uncertainty Scenarios: Julien Griffit

Short residency periods, Enough Room for Space, BE

Artefact: This Rare Earth - Stories from Below

Opening: 13/02/2018
Open: 13/02 - 01/03/2018
Location: STUK, Naamsestraat 96, 3000 Leuven, Belgium
Curators: Karen Verschooren (STUK) & Ils Huygens (Z33)

With: Ilana Halperin, Jimmie Durham, Otobong Nkanga, Julian Charrière, Egill Saebjörnsson, Cecilia Jonsson, Justin Bennett, Prabhakar Pachpute & Rupali Patil, Maarten Vanden Eynde, Liam Young & Kate Davies, Füsun Turetken, Susanne Kriemann, Lise Autogena & Joshua Portway, Milo Rau, Lara Almarcegui, Ursula Biemann & Mo Diener, et al.

This Rare Earth - Stories from Below will focus on the political, economic and ecological implications of the circulation of geological materials, conflict minerals and -metals, and rare earth elements.


Try outs at the studio

Software engineer Julien Griffit and artist Maarten Vanden Eynde are developing a new installation for the upcoming exhibition Artefact: This Rare Earth - Stories from Below. Julien will reside during several short residency periods throughout 2017 and 2018 at Enough Room for Space.

Their collaboration is part of Uncertainty Scenarios, a collective experimental research project that explores the ways people throughout history have tried to speculate, predict and anticipate the future and different attitudes that go along with this.  The project creates a common ground for a group of artists that all share interest in the concerns of the project and aims to establish a context for the development of new works. Together we reflect on possible consequences of current global socio-political or ecological issues and question our position as artists towards these. Uncertainty Scenarios tries to become an artistic tool to grasp the ‘futurity’ that is already, and increasingly, a part of our present.

Collectively we research for instance notions of speculation, methodologies used to predict the future, strategic thinking and scenario planning, risk and crisis management, divination and spiritual forecasts, Big Data, artificial intelligence or science fiction. How do these phenomena affect our thinking, behaviour and acting? What operations are we dealing with when we speak about speculation? How have technologies, like for instance computer modelling and calculating, affected our thinking about the future?