March - April 2010

Residency period Present Perfect

Collective working period, Douala, CM

Initiated by: Marjolijn Dijkman, Maarten Vanden Eynde and Annette Schemmel

Hosted by: Artbakery in Bonendale and K-Factory in New Bell, Douala

Supported by: Mondriaan Fund, NL


27 March 2010: presentation, screening and discussion at ArtBakery, Bonendale

30 March 2010: presentation, screening and discussion at Cercle Kapsiki. Douala-New Bell, moderated by Lionel Manga and Ruth Belinga

1 April 2010: screening and discussion at Maison des Jeunes, Douala

5 April 2010: presentation at doual’art, Douala

At Maison de Jeunes in Douala: Lionel Mange moderates a discussion following a video screening

The artists Marjolijn Dijkman and Maarten Vanden Eynde and curator Annette Schemmel are exploring possibilities for future collaborations with Cameroonian artists and writers on site in Douala. After a long prelude of conversations in Europe, we are doing studio visits and are hosted by Douala’s art initiatives to screen and present artworks brought from Europe, which address the notions of memory, history and the future. Among the works presented are “Nostalgia” by Omer Fast and “Desire in Representation” by Peggy Buth. Local engagements with these themes are especially relevant with regard to the „cinquantenaire“ (50th anniversary) of Cameroon’s national independence and with regard to the spectacular celebrations that this event entails in 2010.

In the framework of this trip, we will exchange about artistic approaches and about potential contexts, content and locations for a joined exhibition in Germany, a possible participation in the SUD 2010 and about other ideas for collaboration. We will also discuss how contemporary art is produced and presented in Douala. What are the working and living conditions for artists and how do they manage to professionalize in the absence of art academies as we know them? Who is educating who, and what knowledge is being transferred? How do people in Cameroon access works of art?