5 - 7 November 2017

Performing Objects: Artist Talks, seminar with ‘End to End’

Erfors HQ, Brussels / Campus Faculty Architecture - KU Leuven, Ghent, BE

Artist talks
Initiated by Dimitri Vangrunderbeek
Involved: Pauline M'barek, Edwin Deen, Sarah van Lamsweerde, Bie Michels, Alice De Mont, Marjolijn Dijkman, Kristof Van Gestel, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek.
Links: Alicia Velázquez / Wouter Krokaert


Organised by: Thierry Lagrange, Dimitri Vangrunderbeek and Geert Belpaeme
Location:  Campus Faculteit Architectuur Gent - KU Leuven, Ghent, BE
Involved: students from KU Leuven, BE
Involved Performing Objects members: Dimitri Vangrunderbeek, Kristof Van Gestel, Bie Michels.

Montagne, Wouter Krokaert

Artists Talks by Alicia Velázquez and Wouter Krokaert on Sunday the 5th, and a seminar with students with the theme 'Performing Objects' on the 6th and the 7th. The seminar focusses on objects, how they relate to people and space, and how they could stimulate processes of transformation, interaction and creation. Amongst others Bie Michels will present the process of End to End and the group of participants will collectively activate the performance on site.

Alicia Velázquez: By producing objects and spaces in front of audiences or camera, and inviting others to do so, Alicia searches to create temporary homes for emotions. Born in Madrid and trained as architect, Alicia’s practice embraces art and design in the form of performances, video, photography, objects and wearables.

Wouter Krokaert: Dancing, like drawing, allows me on one hand, to sharpen my own perception, and on the other hand, to share that study with others. When I make a pencil drawing I take a step backwards in order to observe the subject in a better way. When I dance, I take a step forward in order to place myself as the middle of the subject.  For me these are both methods of observation. As time has past, I have integrated more media and disciplines to enrich my practice of drawing.

End to End method can repeatedly be carried out under changing circumstances, at different locations, with different objectives and by different participants. End to End is a working method which structures a collective process within which objects are constantly being transformed. The objects created are continuously being placed in a field again, waiting for a possible new transformation. This work process takes place in silence. Things are discussed in group both beforehand and afterwards. If so required the structure is adjusted.