January 2006

Online: Genetologic Research Weblog

online sketchbook

Initated by: Maarten Vanden Eynde

Genetology (gene*tol”o*gy)
the science of first things
• noun the part of theology and philosophy concerned with birth, origin, and destiny. First used in English around 1864.
— DERIVATIVES genetological adjective genetologist noun.
— ORIGIN from Latin genus (genetivegeneris) ‘origin’.

the science of last things
• noun the part of theology and philosophy concerned with death, judgement, and destiny. First used in English around 1550.
— DERIVATIVES eschatological adjective eschatologist noun.
— ORIGIN from Greek eskhatos ‘last’.


Screenshot of the weblog

Genetology or science of first things is a self invented science creating an opposition for the existing dominant science of last things, Eschatology. Genetology’s main area of research is our fascination with time and its consequences: How will we look back to the past in the future? What will remain of the present?

weblog, active since January 2006, which functions as an online sketchbook where, besides individual work, other artworks, events in history, scientific discoveries, intellectual discourse and philosophical explorations are assembled in order to be able to define Genetology. The content is categorised within the different existing branches of science since they represent our best attempt to separate and encapsulate all existing knowledge.