22 Sept. 2018 - 24 March 2019

Performing Objects: ‘A Series of Characters’ by Alice De Mont

Enough Room for Space, BE


Image: Alice De Mont. photo, subject 23's grandfather (2018)


22 September 2018 (15:00 - 21:00)

23 Sept. 2018 - 24 March 2019
Open on appointment

ERforS HQ:
Sterstraat 10 Rue de L'Etoile
1620 Drogenbos

Mail: erfors@gmail.com

Directions from Brussels South Station:

Tram 82: stop Grote Baan / Grand Route
Metro 4: stop Stalle (P)  (10 min. walk)

Note: there are two number 10's in our street, one in the commune of Ukkel/Uccle and ours in Drogenbos



Alice De Mont. videostill, subject 23 & Jeanne Ontheedge (2018)

The ongoing research and work of Alice De Mont focuses on the construction of personalities by means of the creation of characters and alter egos. These characters function as a method to solve (artistic) problems. A character; a living and thinking thing, has the capacity to embody a problem, to bring in nuances, to change it and to accept inconsistencies. In the past year De Mont developed her alter ego Subject 23; a personality with an artistic practice which explores the relation between environment and human nature.

During a residency at Air Berlin Alexanderplatz in 2018, De Mont had the chance to work with two existing alter egos of other people as part of her current research. Between 2012 and 2017, Lena Chen developed an alter-ego called Elle Peril; a nude model, in order to cope with the trauma of revenge porn. Christoph Baum explores the role of an art coach. In the video-lecture (Erfolg Durch Kunst), his alter ego called Arno M. Feld, explains how to be successful in the arts.

Alice develops objects and subjects that are presented as characters in a film, scenography or installation. Mainly working with sculpture and video, different media are played out against each other and presented in unusual combinations. Her first movies (2006-2012) are filmed in black and white, featuring human figures reduced to objects in relation to other objects. Color and facial expressions were avoided, up until 2016. Gradually colour, facial expressions, language, costumes and their interactions were introduced in her practice.

Alice de Mont lives and works in Brussels, Belgium. Alice is a member of the ongoing collective research project 'Performing Objects'.